Young Patients in the Hospital of the Landsberg DP Camp Read the Camp Newspaper and Write at a Desk (c. 1945–46)


The Landsberg DP camp was established on former German military grounds near Munich in the American occupation zone. From 1945 to 1952, about 250,000 Jewish Displaced Persons (DPs) lived in camps administered by the United Nations and the Allied authorities. Within these camps – many on the grounds of former German army barracks or even concentrations camps – political, religious, and cultural organizations sprang up as Holocaust survivors searched for lost loved ones and waited to return home or to emigrate (often to Palestine).


Source: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Laurie Heymont Weinberg. Available online at:

© United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Young Patients in the Hospital of the Landsberg DP Camp Read the Camp Newspaper and Write at a Desk (c. 1945–46), published in: German History Intersections, <> [December 05, 2023].