Valentin Wagner, A Traveling Party on Board an “Ulmer Schachtel” (1631)
This ink drawing depicts a type of boat known as an “Ulmer Schachtel,” i.e. a barge used in shipping on the Danube river. It was used to transport all sorts of goods but also many different people. Traveling parties like the one shown here - soldiers, delinquents, and the so-called Danube Swabians - all traveled, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, up and down the Danube on an “Ulmer Schachtel.”
Source: Valentin Wagner, Travel sketchbook: The traveling party of Hernn V. Wagner travels in an “Ulmer Schachtel” on the Danube from Regensburg to Vienna [“Reiseskizzenbuch: Die Reisegesellschaft des Hernn V. Wagner fährt in einer Ulmer Schachtel auf der Donau von Regensburg nach Wien."] Drawing 1631. Inventarnummer 3383v. Albertina Online:[3383v]&showtype=record