
Display: 51-75 of 111 Results

Against the Drink Demon: Matthäus Friedrich (1557)

The German Drunkard: Bartholomäus Ringwaldt (1585)

Princely Presentation of Power: Samuel Quiccheberg, Inscriptiones (1565)

Landscape as Mirror: Conrad Celtis, Oratio in Gymnasio in Ingelstadio publice recitata (1492)

German Characteristics from a French Perspective: Charles Patin, Travels thro’ Germany, Bohemia, Swisserland, Holland, and other parts of Europe (1674/1696)

Augsburg Dress Code (1530)

The Famed Forest of the Past: Beatus Rhenanus, Libri tres institutionum rerum Germanicarum (1531)

Emilie von Berlepsch Demands Intellectual and Emotional Independence for Women (1791)

The Decline of the German Language: How Can We Save Our Classic Writers? (1897)

Language Politics in Schools in German Southwest Africa (1911)

A German “Picnic in the Forest” as a Civilizing Influence on American Culture (1896)

Bismarck’s Speech to the Prussian House of Deputies on the “Polish Question” (January 28, 1886)

The Reaction of the Austrian Liberal Press to Bismarck’s Policies (1886)

Reichstag Speech by Dr. Ludwik von Jazdzewski (January 15, 1886)

Reichstag Speech by Wilhelm Liebknecht (January 15, 1886)

August Julius Langbehn, Rembrandt as Educator: “German vs. Jewish” (1890)

“Made in Germany” was Made in Britain (1887)

Article from the Austrian Patent Office Journal (1902)

Hans-Jürgen Massaquoi’s Childhood (1999)

Account by a Hofgänger in Mecklenburg (1896)

W. E. B. Dubois: Remembrance of His Berlin Years (1892–94)

Bernhard Dernburg on his Impressions of German East Africa (1908)

Alfred Döblin on Germans, Poles, and Jews in Lodz (1926)

Ignatz Bubis Reflects on His Liberation in 1945 (1995)

Henryk M. Broder on Heimat (1999)