Expertise Codified and Printed: Ulrich Rülein von Calw, Bergwerck v Probir büchlin/ für die Bergk vnnd feurwercker Golschmid/ Alchimisten vnd Künstner (1535)


Ulrich Rülein von Calw (1465–1523) recorded his extensive knowledge of mining in one of the earliest “assaying booklets” [Probierbüchlein] to circulate throughout Europe. The images in his treatise depict a range of knowledge relating to mining and metalwork; they depict metal deposits in the landscape, furnaces used for various processes, and workshop scenes. Through the circulation of these sorts of writings, Germans developed a reputation for expertise in mining and metalworking.


Mining and Assaying Booklet/ for Mine and Furnace Workers, Goldsmiths/ Alchemists, and Practitioners of the Arts. Cardinal Gilbert on Smelting and Refining All Metals; Polishing all Kinds of Gemstones; Excellent Liquids for Etching/ Refining/ and Smelting; Prevention of, and Advice about, Poisonous Vapors from Metal. Frankfurt, Christian Egenolff [Publisher]


The strike of the lode is the orientation in which the lode extends lengthwise within the stone of the mountain.

This strike is sometimes from east to west, sometimes from west to east. The strike of the lode is east to west when the stone, enclosing the strike (with its flucan), dips downward toward the west, and in turn, the strike is from west to east when the strike dips downward toward the east, as is indicated in the illustration.


Round furnace; square furnace


On polishing all kinds of gemstones, in the correct manner.

Powdered flint, for polishing all hard stones, such as beryl.

To polish rubies or spinel-rubies, heat an amethyst between two bricks, grind it on a stone, heat it again; this works well for all soft stones. [….]


Source: Ulrich Rülein von Calw, Bergwerck v Probir büchlin / für die Bergk vnnd feurwercker Golschmid / Alchimisten vnd Künstner. Gilbertus Cardinal vonn Soluiren vnd scheidungen aller Metal Polirung alter hand Edelgestein. Fürtreffliche Wasser zum Etzen / Scheyden / vnd Soluiren. Verhütung vnd Rath für gifftige dämpffe der Metal. Zu Franckfurt/ bei Christian Egenolff. [1535], Title page, pp. VI–VII, XXV, XXX. Available online at:

Translation: Kathleen Dell’Orto

Anneliese Grünhaldt Sisco, Cyril Stanley Smith, Ulrich Rülein von Calw, and Ciriacus Schreittmann, Bergwerk- und Probierbüchlein a translation from the German of the Bergbüchlein, a sixteenth-century book on mining geology, by Anneliese Grünhaldt Sisco; and of the Probierbüchlein, a sixteenth-century work on assaying. Seeley W. Mudd series. New York, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 1949.

Expertise Codified and Printed: Ulrich Rülein von Calw, Bergwerck v Probir büchlin/ für die Bergk vnnd feurwercker Golschmid/ Alchimisten vnd Künstner (1535), published in: German History Intersections, <> [December 05, 2024].