The Dissolution of the Empire: “You Can’t Bring Them under One Hat” (c. 1800)


This caricature of the end of the Holy Roman Empire makes reference to the crisis situation that prevailed around 1800. The figure of Germania endeavors to tie the imperial estates together with a single rope and bring them under one hat, but she is unable to succeed. An eagle symbolizing the empire is perched in a tree at the left. The political and cultural disunity of the empire precludes national unity.


Source: Friedrich Ludwig Neubauer, political satire: “Man kann Sie nicht unter einen Hut bringen“ [“You Can’t Bring Them under One Hat,” c. 1800. Material/technique: steel engraving, Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nuremberg, Inventar-Nr. HB 14041. Available online at:

Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nuremberg

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Ute Planert, “Wann beginnt der ‚moderne‘ deutsche Nationalismus? Plädoyer für eine nationale Sattelzeit,” in Jörg Echternkamp and Sven Müller, eds., Die Politik der Nation. Deutscher Nationalismus in Krieg und Krisen, 1760–1960 (Studien zur Militärgeschichte, Schriftenreihe des Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamtes, Bd. 56), Munich 2002, pp. 25–59.

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The Dissolution of the Empire: “You Can’t Bring Them under One Hat” (c. 1800), published in: German History Intersections, <> [December 07, 2024].