Jost Amman, Representations of Different Trades, from Hans Sachs, Eygentliche Beschreibung aller Staende auff Erden (1568)


Hans Sachs’s Ständebuch depicts trades and occupations in the widest sense – it starts with the Pope and the Emperor, goes on to describe a range of tradesmen and their various specialties, and ends with several types of jesters. The diverse illustrations are accompanied by short descriptive rhymes. Jost Amman (1539–1591), a Zurich-born resident of Nuremberg, was famous for his book engravings. In these scenes, he depicts the closely related trades of bookbinding, printing, writing, engraving, and papermaking.


Source: Hans Sachs, Jost Amman (Illustrations), Eygentliche Beschreibung Aller Stände auff Erden. Hoher vnd Nidriger, Geistlicher vnd Weltlicher, Aller Künsten, Handwercken vnd Händeln, [et]c. vom grösten biß zum kleinesten, Auch von jarem Ursprung, Erfindung vnd gebreuchen. Franckfurt am Mayn: Feyerabents, 1568. SLUB Dresden. Available online at:

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A Sixteenth-Century Book of Trades: Das Ständebuch. Translated, with an introduction by Theodore K. Rabb. Palo Alto, CA: The Society for the Promotion of Science and Scholarship, 2009.

Jost Amman, Representations of Different Trades, from Hans Sachs, Eygentliche Beschreibung aller Staende auff Erden (1568), published in: German History Intersections, <> [December 05, 2024].