Declaration of Accord between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Italian Republic Concerning the Recruitment and Placement of Italian Workers in the Federal Republic of Germany (December 20, 1955)


This document, signed in Rome on December 20, 1955, represents the first in a series of bilateral agreements on labor recruitment in West Germany. Subsequently, similar agreements were signed with Spain and Greece (1960), Turkey (1961), Portugal (1964), Tunisia and Morocco (1965), and Yugoslavia (1968).


The government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the government of the Italian Republic,

Guided by the desire to promote and deepen relations between their peoples in the spirit of European solidarity, to benefit both countries, and to strengthen the existing ties of friendship between them; in the endeavor to achieve a high employment rate and to utilize productive potential to the fullest; and with the conviction that these efforts serve the common interests of their peoples and promote their economic and social progress, have reached the following Accord concerning the recruitment and placement of Italian workers in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Section I: General Provisions

Article I: (1) When the government of the Federal Republic of Germany (hereafter referred to as Federal Republic) determines a demand for workers, which it wishes to fulfill through an in-sourcing of workers with Italian citizenship, it will notify the Italian government as to which occupations or occupational groups and to what approximate extent there is a need for workers. (2) The Italian government will notify the Federal Republic whether there is a possibility of accommodating this demand. (3) On the basis of these communications, both countries will agree to what extent, in which occupations or occupational groups, and at what point the recruitment and placement of workers of Italian citizenship in the Federal Republic shall be undertaken. []

Section II: Recruitment and Placement

Article 6: The Italian applicants must provide the following identifying documents to the German Commission:

a certificate providing the results of an examination of their occupational qualification and health

a personal identification card with photo;

a certificate issued by the respective mayor, stating that the holder has no criminal record;

an official certificate of their marital status. []

Section IV: Support, Wage Transfer, and Workers’ Families

[] Article 15: In accordance with the relevant German foreign exchange regulations, Italian workers can transfer their entire earned income back to Italy.

Article 16: (1) Italian workers who wish to arrange for their family members to join them can apply for a promissory note for a residence permit for these family members from the immigration authority by providing official documentation that there is adequate housing for the family members. The authorities will consider the applications sympathetically and render a decision as soon as possible. []

Section VII: Final Provisions

[] Article 22: The terms of this Accord do not contravene the application of more favorable international regulations governing free movement of workers between European countries insofar as they are binding for the Federal Republic and the Italian Republic.

Article 23: This Accord will come into effect on the day of its signing. It is binding for one year and will be automatically extended each year unless it is canceled by either government at least three months before its expiration date.

Signed in Rome on December 20, 1955, in two copies, German and Italian, whereby the provisions are binding in both languages.

For the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany

Anton Storch

Minister for Labor

Clemens von Brentano

German Ambassor in Rome

For the Government of the Italian Republic

Gaetano Martino

Minister for Foreign Affairs

Source of the German original text: Amtliche Nachrichten der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsvermittlung und Arbeitslosenversicherung (ANBA), Nr. 2, 4. Jahrgang, 25.2.1956.

Source of English translation: Deniz Göktürk, David Gramling, and Anton Kaes, eds., Germany in Transit. Nation and Migration 1955-2005. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007, pp. 27-28.

Translation: Tes Howell

Road Worker Carrying Buckets

Source: Photo: Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg, Collection Hannes Kilian.

© Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg, Sammlung Hannes Kilian

Declaration of Accord between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Italian Republic Concerning the Recruitment and Placement of Italian Workers in the Federal Republic of Germany (December 20, 1955), published in: German History Intersections, <> [December 06, 2024].