
Display: 1-25 of 111 Results

Johann Ludovici, Baptismal Sermon for a Moor (1661)

Report on the Experiences of a Captured Christian (1623)

Account of a Conversion from Judaism to Christianity (1775)

Baptismal Records: “Baptized Turks” in Munich (1687 and 1688)

The Catholic “German Nation”: Michael Anisius (1599)

Nationalizing Catholicism, 1870-71: “Letter” from a Catholic Soldier from Bavaria (1870)

Of Plagues and Foreign Influences: Johann Vochs, De pestilentia (1507)

Characteristics of Northern Bodies: Levinus Lemnius, Two Books on the Nature and Constitution of the Body, which the Greeks Call “krasis” and is Commonly Called “Complexion” (1561)

Location Matters for Bodies, Diseases, and Medicines: Paracelsus, “The Fourth Defence” (c. 1538)

The Realities of Collection Organization: Founding Certificate, Duke Albrecht V of Bavaria (1565)

Reactions to the Collections: Albrecht Dürer’s Response to Viewing Aztec Gold (1520)

Confirmatory Charter to the Mineral and Battery Works Society (1604)

German Miners Abroad: Elias Hessen, Journey to East India (1680)

German Expertise in the Americas: John Smith’s Description of the Jamestown Colony in Virginia (1612)

Expertise Codified and Printed: Ulrich Rülein von Calw, Bergwerck v Probir büchlin/ für die Bergk vnnd feurwercker Golschmid/ Alchimisten vnd Künstner (1535)

Joachim Heinrich Campe on the Germanization of Foreign Words (1801, 1813)

Conrad Gessner’s Preface to Josua Maaler’s Die Teütsch spraach (1561)

The German-Italian Frontier: Felix Fabri, Wanderings (1486)

Liberation from Captivity: Michael Heberer, Aegyptiaca servitus (1610)

Peter Hagendorf, Mercenary Journal from the Thirty Years War (1625–1648)

German Jesuit Identity on a Mission: Anton Maria Benz, First Letter (c. 1750)

Marriage among European Elites: Samuel Hartlib to John Worthington (1660)

Andreas Gryphius, “Tears of the Fatherland” (1636)

Johann Gottfried Herder, “German Peoples” (1784)

Friedrich Carl von Moser, “The German National Spirit” (1767)