
Display: 26-49 of 49 Results

Sophie von La Roche

Becoming a Male Citizen: A Particular Elite, Universal Aspirations

Being German Abroad, Germans Abroad

German Culture, Jewish Culture: Interwovenness and Demarcation in the Nineteenth Century

Debating National Interest in the Expulsions of Poles and Jews, 1885-86

Made in Germany

In Search of a Führer – Fusing Art and War

Colonial Fantasies

Being Black from the Kaiserreich to the Cold War

Worker Activism in the Nineteenth Century

Manufacturing German Identity in National Socialism

Spatial Definitions of Germanness

The Eastern Mirror: German Jews from Poland, German Jews on Poland

Constructing Germans in Total War

German Memory Construction after 1945: Redemption of the Military

Playing with Patriotism

“Races” and Civilizations in the Eighteenth Century

The Rhine before and after 1800: From Common Border Region to Symbol of National Difference

Nationalizing Anthems

Being Prussian-German after 1800: Christian Men Fighting for the Nation

Modern Museums

Inventing Traditions: Construing History as German

What is German Politics? Revolution, Participation, and Public Discourse in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Germany in the World Press