
Display: 76-100 of 107 Results

Carnival Parade in the Bavarian Town of Schwabach: Staging Expropriation (1936)

Public Humiliation: Cutting off the Beard of a Jewish Man in Poland (1941)

Katarina Witt and East German Patriotism (1985)

Caricature of Refugees and Overcrowding in Kassel (1945)

CDU Campaign Poster Aimed at Refugees (1948)

Poster in the Soviet Occupation Zone exhorting Germans to help Resettlers (1946)

Overcoming German “Otherness” Abroad: Johann Adam Schall von Bell (1672)

Gradations of Imperial Identities: Ständehierarchie (c. 1650)

A Black Drummer Boy in a Hessian Guards Regiment (c. 1780)

Triumphal Procession with Germania to the Peace of Westphalia (1649)

Class Status or Gender? Reading and Sociability at the Court of Duchess Anna Amalie of Saxe-Weimar and Eisenach (c. 1795)

Naturalizing German-French as Difference: The Determined Girl (1802)

Departure of Jewish Volunteers (c. 1813)

August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben, “Das Lied der Deutschen” (1841)

Austrian Imperial Anthem: “Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser” (1797)

Interpreting History as German-Protestant (c. 1880–c. 1903)

Wilhelm Camphausen, Napoleon III on the Battlefield at Sedan (1877)

“Falsification of History” (2013)

“Made in Germany”: The Volkwagen Emissions Scandal (2015)

Previewing Imperial Collections: Prodromus Catalogue (1753)

“Chancellor of the Free World”: The Search for German Leadership (2015)

Chancellor as Scientist-in-Chief (2020)

Caricature of the Public’s Alleged “Newspaper Addiction” (c. 1840)

Viewing German History: Visitors’ Guide to the Germanic Museum (1853)

“Watch on the Rhine”: Germania Defends the Rhine (1860)