
Display: 201-217 of 217 Results

Franz Strauch, “On the Question of Exporting Natives from the German Colonies for Exhibition Purposes” (1900)

Eduard Israel Kley, “The Spirit in Israelite Elementary Schools” (1821)

Prospectus, First Issue of the “Bonner Anzeiger. Mouthpiece for Commercial and Business Interests” (June 28, 1850)

Blind Library Patrons Read and Type in Braille at the Royal Institute for the Blind in Berlin (c. 1906)

“Our Editorial Team at Work (Reportage)” Landsberger Lager-Cajtung (January 18, 1946)

Günter Gaus, “Conversation with Hannah Arendt,” from the Series Zur Person (1964)

Collected Prefaces from the First Three Editions of Anna Fischer-Dückelmann’s The Wife as Family Doctor (1911)

Saba B., Witness Testimony about Working on the Landsberger Lager-Cajtung (Retrospective, 1982)

Toy Plane with Pilot by Penny Toys (1912)

Gottlieb Tobias Wilhelm, Botanical Illustration of Pear Varieties, from Unterhaltungen aus der Naturgeschichte (1812)

Young Patients in the Hospital of the Landsberg DP Camp Read the Camp Newspaper and Write at a Desk (c. 1945–46)

Jakob von Uexküll, A Foray into the Worlds of Animals and Humans: With a Theory of Meaning (1934)

Flyer from the Barbarastollen, Germany’s Underground Cultural Archive of Microfilmed Documents (2010)

Bernhard Grzimek, Serengeti Shall Not Die (1959)

Philipp Hainhofer, Report on the Eichstätt Garden and the Work on Hortus Eystettensis (1611)

Decree Establishing the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda (March 13, 1933)

Atomic Power from Rheinsberg (1966)