
Display: 251-275 of 278 Results

Interpreting History as German-Protestant (c. 1880–c. 1903)

Modern Museums

Wilhelm Camphausen, Napoleon III on the Battlefield at Sedan (1877)

Inventing Traditions: Construing History as German

Associations Make History: The Society for Hessian History (1837)

The German Art is Upstairs: Anonymous (Johann Pezzl), Description of Vienna’s Belvedere (1786–90)

“Falsification of History” (2013)

“Made in Germany”: The Volkwagen Emissions Scandal (2015)

Previewing Imperial Collections: Prodromus Catalogue (1753)

“Chancellor of the Free World”: The Search for German Leadership (2015)

What is German Politics? Revolution, Participation, and Public Discourse in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Germany in the World Press

Chancellor as Scientist-in-Chief (2020)

Rudolf Zacharias Becker, “On Bewitching, Performing Magic, and Poisoning” (1788)

Carl Friedrich Bahrdt Defines Middle-Class Culture (1789)

Caricature of the Public’s Alleged “Newspaper Addiction” (c. 1840)

Guide to the Collection of the Germanic National Museum (1860)

“Gypsies” as “Foreign Immigrants” from Egypt (1732)

Viewing German History: Visitors’ Guide to the Germanic Museum (1853)

“Watch on the Rhine”: Germania Defends the Rhine (1860)

Alexandra: A West German Singer Longs for the Lost East (1969)

A Casual Conversation: Caricature of Political Debates during the Revolution of 1848–49 (1849)

“Body Shaming” Democracy: Reich President Friedrich Ebert Being Mocked (c. 1924)

Practicing Democracy—in the Media, International, and Male: Werner Höfer’s “Internationaler Frühschoppen” (1950s)

Politicizing “German Virtues”: The Revolution of 1918 as “Non-Work” (1919)