
Display: 101-125 of 278 Results

Sophie von La Roche, Pomona. Zeitschrift für Teutschlands Töchter [Pomona. Magazine for Germany’s Daughters] (1783)

The Boundaries of Gender in Travel: Andreas Pinxner, Die hitzige Indianerin [The Fiery East Indian Woman] (1701)

Ethnographic Perspective: Georg Forster, A Voyage Round the World (1777)

Joachim Heinrich Campe, “Fatherly Advice to My Daughter” (1789)

Beer Stein Decorated with the Imperial Eagle (1615)

The “Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation”


German Heroes: Heinrich Pantaleon, The True Heroes of the German Nation (1567–70)

The “Germania” of Tacitus as received by German Humanists: Johann Eberlin von Günzburg, Ein zamengelesen buochlin von der teutschen Nation [A Collected Booklet about the German Nation](1526)

Johann Heinrich Zedler, “Germany’s Borders” (1745)

The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation as a Monstrosity: Samuel Pufendorf, The Constitution of the German Empire (1667)

“Germany” without Borders: Johannes Stumpf, Germania Teutschland/die ander Landtafel des anderen buchs (1548) und Sebastian Münster, Cosmographia (1572)

Wall Map of the “Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation”: Nicolas de Fer, L’Empire d’Allemagne (1705, reprint from 1770)

Europa as “World Ruler” (1588)

How Barbarians Became Germans: “Germania” and the “German Nation”

Germany, but where is it? Early Modern Maps and Conceptions of Germany and the World

Martin Luther, Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation regarding the Reformation of the Christian Estate (1520)

The Witch Hunts and Their Critics: Friedrich von Spee (1632)

Paul Bräunlich, Report on the Progress of the “Away from Rome” Movement (1899)

The Protestant “German Nation”: Ulrich von Hutten (1520–21)

Jews in Worms Wearing the Compulsory Yellow Ring Badge (Late 16th Century)

Imperial Coat of Arms being Mounted on the Gate of the Jewish Ghetto in Frankfurt (1616)

Baptism, Belonging, and Christian Community

Religious Orders and Demarcations

Title Page, Johann Ludovici, Baptismal Sermon for a Moor (1661)