1-13 of 13 Results
Election and Coronation of King and Emperor: The “Golden Bull” (Munich Edition of 1515)
in: Germanness
Germania in the Triumphal Procession of the Emperor: Triumphal Procession Miniatures (1512–15)
in: Germanness
Allegorical Depiction of the Decline of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation: The Judgment of Time (1805)
in: Germanness
“Germany” without Borders: Johannes Stumpf, Germania Teutschland/die ander Landtafel des anderen buchs (1548) und Sebastian Münster, Cosmographia (1572)
in: Germanness
Wall Map of the “Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation”: Nicolas de Fer, L’Empire d’Allemagne (1705, reprint from 1770)
in: Germanness