
Display: 1-15 of 15 Results

Election and Coronation of King and Emperor: The “Golden Bull” (Munich Edition of 1515)

Germania in the Triumphal Procession of the Emperor: Triumphal Procession Miniatures (1512–15)

The First German Road Map: Erhard Etzlaub, This is the Road to Rome (c. 1500)

Allegorical Depiction of the Decline of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation: The Judgment of Time (1805)

The World as an “Earth Apple” (c. 1491–94)

Plundering of Frankfurt’s Jewish Quarter (1614)

The Dissolution of the Empire: “You Can’t Bring Them under One Hat” (c. 1800)

Beer Stein Decorated with the Imperial Eagle (1615)

Johann Heinrich Zedler, “Germany’s Borders” (1745)

The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation as a Monstrosity: Samuel Pufendorf, The Constitution of the German Empire (1667)

“Germany” without Borders: Johannes Stumpf, Germania Teutschland/die ander Landtafel des anderen buchs (1548) und Sebastian Münster, Cosmographia (1572)

Wall Map of the “Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation”: Nicolas de Fer, L’Empire d’Allemagne (1705, reprint from 1770)

Europa as “World Ruler” (1588)

Imperial Coat of Arms being Mounted on the Gate of the Jewish Ghetto in Frankfurt (1616)

Gradations of Imperial Identities: Ständehierarchie (c. 1650)